Akhil Autism Foundation

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Children with autism may have difficulty developing language skills and understanding what others say to them. They also often have difficulty communicating nonverbally, such as through hand gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions.

Some children with ASD may not be able to communicate using speech or language, and some may have very limited speaking skills. Others may have rich vocabularies and be able to talk about specific subjects in great detail. Many have problems with the meaning and rhythm of words and sentences. They also may be unable to understand body language and the meanings of different vocal tones. These difficulties affect the ability of children with ASD to interact with others.


Rapid Prompting Method(RPM)

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RPM is a method that empowers a student with the means to express his/her learning, understanding, reasoning and thoughts. The teacher learns how to access the open learning channels (auditory, visual, tactile and kinesthetic) of the student and adapts the way the lessons are presented accordingly. RPM is an academic-based method in which the teacher tries to create a “teacher-student response loop.” – SOMA Mukhopadhyay

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